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Other Ingredient: Tenninalia arjuna (Arjuna), Bauhinia variegata(Kanchanara),Commiphora mukul(Guggulu), Trikatu(Trikatu), Tribulus terrestris(Gokshuru), Crataeva nurvala(Vanina), Curcuma longa (Curcumin 95%)(Haridra),Berberis aristata(Daruharidra), Cyperus rotundus(Musta), Plumbago zeylanica(Citraka), Triphala(Triphala)
Shatavari a key ingredient used in the ayurvedic medicine for uterine fibroid, helps in correcting the balance and making the cycle regular.
The key ingredient asoka used in the tablet is the best ingredient to provide you with a pain-free period and reduce pelvic and lower back pain.
The absorbent properties of lodra help with the thickening of blood, which prevents excessive bleeding during periods. This lodra is a key ingredient in ayurvedic medicine for uterine fibroid.
Take 1 tablet, twice or thrice a day
Take the tablet after food
As recommended by the doctor
A diet high in red meat, caffeine, and alcohol is associated with an increased risk of developing uterine fibroids.
Women who have never been pregnant or who have had their first pregnancy after age 30 are at a higher risk of developing uterine fibroids.
High levels of stress have been linked to an increased risk of developing uterine fibroids.
Exposure to certain environmental toxins and chemicals may increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids.
Certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can increase the risk of developing uterine fibroids.
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Ansta Capsule is an ayurvedic medicine for iron deficiency that is a safe and effective solution that has been tested and approved by healthcare professionals. It is formulated to be gentle on the stomach, making it ideal for those with sensitive digestive systems. The capsule is also safe for pregnant women.
Anaemia can be caused by factors such as iron deficiency, pregnancy, heavy menstrual bleeding, a poor diet, and menopause.
The symptoms of anaemia include fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
It is not recommended to self-diagnose or self-treat anaemia without consulting a healthcare provider.
It is important to avoid skipping meals, engaging in fad diets, overexerting oneself physically or mentally, and neglecting emotional well-being when dealing with anaemia.
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